
Get incredible data on your community

Get a weekly email with a summary of your community activity, or use the analytics dashboard for a real-time view of all the most important numbers.


Get incredible data on your community

Get a weekly email with a summary of your community activity, or use the analytics dashboard for a real-time view of all the most important numbers.


Get incredible data on your community

Get a weekly email with a summary of your community activity, or use the analytics dashboard for a real-time view of all the most important numbers.

You're struggling with this

You're struggling with this

Community member data

You want to capture basic information and learn where they’re from.

Tracking member behavior

It’s difficult to reach out directly to your most or least active members.

Revenue health

You don’t know the financial impact of people unsubscribing until it’s too late.

When you should be using

Authenticate your members and build your own database

With deep integrations, you can capture member information and discover more insights about your community for more data-driven decisions.

Automatic member management and behavior analytics has a comprehensive but user-friendly dashboard that anyone can use to monitor their chat apps and overall community health. Get an updated list of your least or most active members with just 1 click.

Monitor your revenue data to predict your recurring income analytics are visualized in an easy dashboard that shows you how exactly much you’re earning month over month, and you’ll get weekly emails to update you on what’s happening.

“I track member counts, community growth, and my revenue data religiously on Clear and reliable analytics!”

“I track member counts, community growth, and my revenue data religiously on Clear and reliable analytics!”

“I track member counts, community growth, and my revenue data religiously on Clear and reliable analytics!”

Mohammed Arshad

AI Guild

Gather your people.

Gather your people.

Gather your people.

“I track member counts, community growth, and my revenue data religiously on Clear and reliable analytics!”

Mohammed Arshad

AI Guild